Preparing for the Holidays: Decluttering Tips for a Stress-Free November

The holiday season is right around the corner, and for many of us, it's the most wonderful time of the year. There's just something about twinkling lights, cozy fires, and peppermint hot chocolate that makes our hearts fill with joy. 

But amid all this festive merriment, there's one thing that can cause a lot of stress: a cluttered home. 

Whether you're hosting a big family gathering or just want to make your home feel more welcoming for the holiday season, decluttering can make a huge difference. 

So if you're looking for some stress-free tips to prepare your home for the holidays, keep reading!

The Benefits of Pre-Holiday Decluttering

And while it's supposed to be a time of joy and relaxation, the thought of preparing your home for guests and receiving holiday gifts can be quite overwhelming. But no worries, because pre-holiday decluttering can make all the difference! Here are some benefits to consider:

Creating a Welcoming Environment

Picture a time when you were invited to a home that instantly made you feel welcome and relaxed. Maybe it was the cozy lighting, the fresh aroma of baked goods, or the thoughtfully arranged furniture. 

You have an ideal opportunity to create this same kind of environment for your guests. By decluttering your space, you create a more inviting environment that makes people feel at ease and more at home. Plus, it makes it easier for guests to move around, settle in and feel at ease.

Reducing Stress

It's no secret that clutter can cause stress. When you see a messy space, it can make you feel overwhelmed and anxious. 

On the other hand, a tidy and organized space can have the opposite effect - it can create a sense of calm and relaxation. So, by decluttering before the holiday season, you can reduce your stress levels and make it easier to enjoy the festivities.

Making Room for New Memories (and Gifts!)

Let's face it - the holidays usually mean gifts.  But where are you going to put all those new items if you don't have any space? This is where decluttering comes in handy. By getting rid of items you no longer need or use, you free up space for new memories and gifts. 

While sorting through your belongings, you can also use this opportunity to craft a gift wishlist to share with family members. Maybe you discover your slippers have holes in them - add them to the wishlist.  Taking an inventory of what we have before hauling more into the home can serve as the antidote to the accumulation of unnecessary clutter.  Plus our loved ones want to buy us gifts that matter to us! Help them out by providing them with some ideas and everybody wins.

Lastly, if you’re dedicated to decluttering before the holidays you have an opportunity to give back to those in need. See if you can find a local charity to donate coats, hats, gloves, and toys to those in need.  If you live in Pierce or King County, check out my favorite places to donate to HERE.

Room-by-Room Decluttering Tips

So you now know the many benefits of decluttering before the holidays - and chances are, decluttering is something that's been on your to-do list for quite a while anyway. Therefore, I've prepared some tips that can help you push these decluttering goals to the top of your list! 

Before you start hanging up holiday decorations - or shopping for a tree! - go through this room-by-room decluttering guide to make some space for holiday cheer.

Living Room

Let's start with the living room. This is likely where everyone will gather, so prioritizing this area as clear and clutter-free will surely make a big impact.

Start by clearing surfaces like coffee tables, shelves, and mantels. Put away anything that doesn't belong, like old mail and random items that accumulate over time. 

Then, move on to sorting through magazines, books, and old decorations. Keep what you want and donate what you don't need anymore to make space for guests. Ideally, the walkways, tabletops, and seating areas are all clean and clear of clutter so guests can make themselves at home.


Arguably one of the most important spaces in the home…the kitchen. So many of our holiday memories center around food, so even if you're not a top chef and your culinary preparations for the holiday are more DoorDash than five-star dining, it's important to declutter your kitchen before the holiday season starts, too.

Start by checking expiration dates in your pantry and make space for holiday cooking ingredients. If you like to bake during the holidays, bringing those items to the most accessible place will make baking much easier. 

Then, move on to decluttering kitchen gadgets and tools. 

If your utensil drawers are overflowing and difficult to open, that’s likely a sign they could use a review.  Pull out your utensils and sort them by category (spatulas, wooden spoons, graters, peelers, etc.). Evaluate where you have duplicates and challenge yourself to reduce them down to the best-performing and most used utensils.  Even donating one little spoon will give you space in that drawer and trust me, it adds up! 

If you have utensils or kitchen gadgets that just collect dust and take up precious space, it might be time to part ways. This is especially true for single-use/specific-use gadgets - like an avocado slicer. If you have other options that can serve the same purpose, for example, a knife, then consider letting go of the excess. 

Guest Rooms

It’s the guest room’s time to shine! This room can oftentimes become a dumping zone of miscellaneous items over the year if you don’t host often. Whether you are hosting people overnight or just want a place to stow coats and bags for a party, getting your guest room in order will make a big difference.

You love your people and you want them to feel comfortable and welcome in your home. If you have guests staying for more than a couple of days, consider clearing out closets and dresser drawers so they can unpack and settle in. Think about what items you can move out of the room to make it feel more spacious and inviting.

Wash and change the bedding and leave a few towels and extra blankets on the bed for them. These little gestures can make all the difference in helping your guests feel at home. 


Next, let's tackle the bathrooms. If you’re hosting a party or hosting overnight guests, your bathroom will see a lot of traffic. This is where your guests will get ready for all the holiday festivities, so this is a key area to focus on keeping clean and organized. 

Start by sorting through old toiletries and medications. Health and beauty products do expire, so you can usually find some quick wins in the bathroom. Toss out items that are expired or that you no longer use.  After that, give the cabinets and drawers a nice wipe-down. Bathrooms tend to accumulate grime like hair and toothpaste that can be unappealing to guests sharing the space. 

Decluttering the bathroom should free up cabinet space for you to store backstock items that will likely be in high demand, like toilet paper, room spray and Kleenex. 

Decluttering Decorations

In addition to decluttering the house, the holidays are a great time to review and edit your holiday decorations, too. Sort through and decide what to keep, donate, or discard. If you haven't used that dancing Santa Claus in the past three years, chances are you won't miss it next Christmas either.

Once you've decided what to keep, you can organize by grouping decorations by theme or holiday for easy access. That way, you won't have to dig through boxes of tinsel and garland to find your favorite ornament.

But organization isn't just about convenience - it's also about protecting your decorations from damage. Make sure to store fragile items properly and use storage containers that are sturdy and durable. I recommend using a weathertight bin, especially if you’re storing decorations in a non-temperature-controlled area like a garage or an attic. THESE weathertight bins from Amazon work wonders! Nobody wants to pull out a favorite ornament and find it smashed to bits.

And when it's time to put away all of your decorations for the year, be sure to do so with care. Taking the time to store your decorations in an organized, safe way will not only keep them in great condition but will make decorating for next year so much easier. 

Actionable Daily Decluttering Tips

From decorating your home to shopping for gifts, there's so much to do at this time of the year that it can feel overwhelming to also have to think about decluttering your space.

But by taking a little time each day, you’ll be able to clear up valuable physical (and mental) space that you need to host the most beautiful, enjoyable holiday gatherings possible.

If you want to declutter, but don’t have time for a full-blown decluttering marathon, grab a copy of my decluttering guide! This guide breaks down five decluttering techniques that can help you declutter in as little as 5-minutes a day.  Grab your copy HERE

Decluttering can feel overwhelming when you feel like you have to sweep your entire house, but I encourage you to break it down into the smallest steps to make a little progress each day. Some progress is better than none at all and you have time on your side, my friend! 

Embracing Minimalism During the Holidays

The holiday season is often associated with excess - excess food, excess decorations, and excess gifts. However, more and more people are starting to embrace minimalism during the holidays. 

Not only does a minimalist approach reduce stress and anxiety, but it also has a positive impact on the environment and your bank account. And let's face it - less clutter to deal with is always a great move. 

Plus, the minimalist holiday approach allows you to focus on what really matters: spending quality time with loved ones. By simplifying your celebrations, you can eliminate unnecessary distractions and create a more meaningful holiday experience. Plus, fewer decorations and gifts mean less clutter and waste - better for everyone in the long run.

If you're interested in minimalist holiday decorating, there are plenty of tips and tricks to help you get started. For example, you can opt for simple, natural decorations like evergreen branches and pinecones, or use items you already have around your home to create festive displays. You can also consider DIY projects and upcycling old materials to reduce your environmental impact and save money.

But it's not just about the decor - another important aspect of minimalism during the holidays is prioritizing experiences over physical gifts. While it can be tempting to go all out with gift-giving, studies show that experiences actually make people happier in the long run. This could mean gifting concert tickets, cooking classes, or a weekend getaway instead of material items that may end up in the back of a closet. 

If you're looking for inspiration for experience-based gifts, be sure to check out my  mindfulgift-giving guide, which shares ideas for how to give with intention this season. 


Most of us spend so much time shopping, cooking, and wrapping during the holidays - but decluttering is also an essential part of your holiday preparations. It not only helps you make space for new things but also gives you a sense of peace and calmness. By following the simple tips shared in this article, you can ease your stress levels and enjoy a more relaxed November.

Embrace the decluttering process and use my decluttering guide to get started today. And remember to download my gift-giving guide for inspiration to gift with intention. 

Together, we can make this a stress-free holiday season filled with joy, love, and relaxation. 


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