9 Daily Habits That Help You Maintain an Organized Home

Are you overwhelmed by the chaos and clutter in your home - but feel like you don't have the time to get it all done? 

Let's face it. We all have that one friend whose house always seems to be immaculate - despite having a family of five. Meanwhile, many of us struggle to keep our homes organized for more than a day.

Rest assured, your friend doesn't have superhuman powers (or a secret stash of money that allows her to afford to hire a full-time housekeeper!). She probably just knows this one secret: maintaining an organized space is a journey, not a one-time destination.

The reality is that incorporating small daily habits into your daily routine can have a huge impact on how you feel and flow through your space. Small habits accumulate to BIG results - and can help you combat overwhelm (if you've ever let your dishes or laundry pile up throughout the week, only to have a mountain to deal with by the time Saturday rolls around…you know what I'm talking about here).

The reality is if nothing gets done, then nothing gets done. The value of spending a little bit of time each day, versus taking an all-or-nothing approach (which is overwhelming) can't be overlooked.

That's why, in this post, I'm going to walk you through nine daily habits that help you maintain an organized home. None of these take a lot of time - but they add up to superhuman results. 

Let's get started!

9 Daily Habits to Help You Maintain an Organized Home

Below, I'm going to walk you through nine daily habits you can try that will help you turn your chaos-ridden mess of a home into one that's calm and organized - one you have complete control over. 

But know that you don't have to dive into all of these all at once. 

Take some time to find a rhythm that works well for you and your household. A little daily effort goes a long way, and baby steps count. If you find this list overwhelming, just start with one or two things at a time. Once you've adopted those, you can move on to some other ones.

Here are my top tips:

1. Make Your Bed

It might seem trivial - who cares if my bed is made? - but starting your day by making your bed sets the tone for the entire rest of your day. It reduces the visual appearance of clutter and creates a space that can then be used for other activities, like relaxing, reading, or even folding laundry.

And the benefits don't end there. Making your bed has been linked to increased productivity and a sense of accomplishment. By starting your day with a small task that you can easily accomplish, you set a positive tone for the rest of your day and are more likely to tackle other tasks with the same energy and enthusiasm.

2. Wash the Dishes at the End of the Day

Let's face it, nobody likes starting their day looking at a sink full of dirty dishes. By taking just a few minutes each night to clean up the dishes, you'll not only prevent a cluttered kitchen, but you'll set yourself up to have a more relaxed and stress-free morning.

You might be tired at the end of the day and not super keen on tackling this task, but try to view it as something positive. I find that focusing on the task at hand - scrubbing away the grime, drying the dishes, and putting them away - and giving thanks that I have dishes to wash and access to hot water to clean them, allows me to tap into the present moment and appreciate the opportunity to put care into my home. 

Plus, I like the sense of accomplishment I feel after finishing the dishes. It gives me a boost of happiness and relaxation so I can enjoy the rest of the evening!

3. Immediately Recycle Junk Mail

From credit card offers to catalogs for stores you shopped at one time six years ago, there's nothing more annoying than getting junk mail. And while it's difficult to control what's popped inside your mailbox, one thing you do have control over is how much space it takes up on your counters.

The moment that piece of junk mail enters your hands, toss it into the recycling (or shred it, if it's sensitive). It might not seem like a big deal, but if you can stop yourself from handling items more than once, it will make a huge difference in your mental health. To make it easier, put a recycling bin near where you sort or store your mail.

4. Wash or Put Away a Small Load of Laundry Each Day

Nobody likes doing laundry. But if you make it a habit to wash or put away a small load each day, it can make a big difference in the long run. It will only take a few minutes out of your day - and then there are no more mountains of dirty clothes piling up in the corner of your bedroom. 

And, if you're feeling really adventurous, you can even try to match up your socks as you fold them (or get your kids to do it).

It's the little things that add up and prevent overwhelm.

5. Take Out the Trash and Recycling

This one might seem like a no-brainer, but it's surprising how many people let their trash cans overflow with garbage before finally taking it out. The downside of this is it actually creates more work needing to quell smells and buildup that’s accumulated from waiting too long.

As soon as your trashcan or recycling bin is full, take it outside and dump it. Your home will feel so much cleaner and less cluttered without all that garbage hanging around.

6. Relocate Items That Don't Belong

Another "hack" I love for an organized home is bringing items back to where they rightfully belong throughout the day. I have adopted a “hands never empty” practice, which means every time I leave a room, I grab something that doesn’t belong that I can relocate on my way to where I’m going next.

Stepping out of your office to refill your water? Take the empty coffee cup on your desk and put it in the dishwasher. Headed to your bedroom to go to bed? Take any dirty laundry in the bathroom or living room and put it in the clothes hamper. Walking by the playroom? Pick up a few toys from the living room and put them away. Getting in this habit of regularly relocating things to their home, only takes a minute and saves you hours of decluttering down the road.

7. Fold and Put Away Blankets and Pillows in the Living Room

I know how much you love cuddling up with your favorite blanket and pillow, but once you're done, fold them up and put them away. No one wants to trip over a mess of blankets and pillows on their way to the kitchen.  Looking for an easy way to fold your blankets into pillows? Check out THIS video!  Not only is it functional for keeping blankets tidy, but it’s also a fun party trick to add to your repertoire.

8. Clear Your Desktop At the End of Work Each Day

This next tip has been a lifesaver for me. If you work from home, make sure to clear your desktop at the end of each workday. 

And if you commute to work, take a few minutes to remove any trash or dirty dishes from your car. It's amazing how much clutter can accumulate there over time!  I even put a trash and recycling bin in my garage, right next to where I park my car so it never even makes it into the house.

There’s something so powerful about taking a minute to tidy your workspace at the end of the day. It helps bring me a sense of closure for the workday and supports me in kicking off my morning in a clutter free environment. 

9. Clear and Wipe Down Counters and Tabletops 

Last but not least, take a few moments to clear and wipe down your countertops and tabletops.  Left unattended for days or weeks, the visual clutter on the surfaces in our homes can become overwhelming and accumulate into a full scale project that requires time to manage it. By tackling the little accumulation each day, you’re saving yourself the overwhelm of battling piles of clutter. 

How to Get Started With Building These Key Organization Habits

We all want a Pinterest-worthy space that's just about as organized as it can get - but let's face it. Life gets chaotic, life gets hectic, and our spaces get messy. 

The habits I've described above are incredibly valuable if you want to maintain an organized space. But how do you implement them without feeling like you’ve just added more to your to-do list? The first is shifting your mindset. If you believe that living in a clutter-free environment helps your mood, your energy and saves you time then investing a little bit each day in this area won’t feel like a chore. It will feel like an act of service for yourself.

When it comes down to execution, try breaking them down into AM and PM habits. In the morning, make your bed, fold a load of laundry, or quickly tidy up your bathroom after getting ready. In the evening, load the dishwasher, take out the trash, and clear your desk. Make each of these part of your AM and PM routines - and eventually, it won’t feel like another thing to do, but rather simple tasks that fold into your daily routine.

If you're like me and need some reminders, schedule it on your calendar. Make it a daily event with a notification to get that boost of motivation you need.

Another helpful tip is to incorporate a daily 10-minute tidy. Take ten minutes out of your day to tidy your space. Consider when you have time in your day to try it out - morning, after work, or before bed.

It's better to find a time that works best for you, so it becomes a habit - and not a chore.

Did you know that tidying is also a grounding exercise? It helps us get out of our heads and into our bodies. If you work from home or just need a break from your thoughts, taking a break to tidy up for 10 minutes will not only reset your space, but it will also reset your mind. It's a win-win situation.

Final Thoughts

Curious about what you could tackle in those little moments of tidying your home? My ten-minute tidy checklist, 100 Things to Tidy, is a comprehensive list of everything you can organize - even if you only have a few minutes. 

Hang this checklist somewhere you can easily glance at it, and you'll never find yourself wondering what to do with a few extra minutes ever again. 

Lastly, remember that maintaining an organized space is a journey, not a one-time destination and every day is going to look different.  Some days you’ll feel inspired and on top of your game and other days, something’s got to give and that might be tidying the house. A little progress over time builds confidence and eventually routine - stay the path and be kind to yourself along the way.  You’re doing a great job!

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