Business Organizing Services

business owner mailing packages to customers

Clear Spaces Organizing Co. is ready to help you find ease in day-to-day business operations by introducing functional, easy-to-maintain systems.

I offer business organizing services in Seattle, Tacoma, and surrounding areas.

You know the disorganization in your business is breeding frustration and driving inefficiency.

So much time is being wasted trying to do simple tasks because you can’t find what you’re looking for.

business owner with a tidy desktop preparing a package for mail

I’m ready to face your organizing challenges head-on, so you can put that lost time into work that matters.

My business organizing service is designed to help you gain efficiency, by improving the way your space functions.

My goal is to leave you with an organized space that is functional and enables you to do your best work.

minimalist desktop with laptop, cup of tea and pen organizer
Ashley did a wonderful job helping me get organized to start a business! She’s efficient and can bring practical know-how to solve spaces and places (including the digital kind)!
— Chris K.

Our Process

My thorough 3-step process transforms any space and sets you up with organizing solutions that you can maintain. We’ll touch on every item in the space and work with you to understand how you interact with the space to get work done. Understanding your daily operations and how you use the space, provides a blueprint to give important items a functional home with your business needs in mind.

  • I’ll sort your things and take inventory of what items are important to your business. Understanding what you own and how you use it shapes the organizational plan I’ll create for your space.

  • I’m taking notes and measurements and leveraging my organizing product expertise on every project. I’m methodical in delivering custom solutions that fit your business needs and your space.

  • I’m a professional organizer and a teacher too! I’ll ensure you and your team have what you need to maintain the organizing systems we put in place.

minimal destop with laptop, clock, plant, glasses sitting on top of a notebook and a cup of coffee on a saucer
  • This service includes:

    • Pairing down and sorting belongings

    • Shopping research and recommendations for organizing products (bins, baskets, shelves, etc.)

    • Organizing system design and placement of belongings based on your vision and goals

    • Donation removal and drop-off (up to a carload per session)

    • Supplies used during organizing sessions (labels, trash bags, etc.)

    • E-mail support during the project


1 Hour Onsite Consultation

During the 1 hour onsite consultation, we’ll tour your space, get to know your business and understand your organizational goals. Following the tour, you’ll receive an estimate for your project. An onsite consultation is $70.

Hourly Rate

An hourly rate of $85 is available to accommodate business projects by the hour. A minimum of 4 hours per project is required.

Steps to Get Started

Step 1. Get in Touch

Schedule a complimentary call to discuss your organizing project. I’ll share how I work and answer your questions.

Step 2. Consultation

We’ll meet at your business to do a tour. We’ll discuss your challenges and goals for the project. You’ll receive an estimate of the time and cost of your project.

Step 3. Book Your Project

We’ll build a schedule based on your availability and the estimated time needed to complete your project. Then we’ll get started!