From Chaos to Calm: The Transformative Power of an Organized Closet

Are you tired of staring at a mess of clothes every time you try to get dressed in the morning? Does the thought of digging through a pile of shoes to find a matching pair make you want to pull your hair out? 

You're not alone. A cluttered living space can take a significant emotional toll on your well-being. 

Studies have shown that messy environments can lead to increased stress and anxiety levels, as well as decreased productivity. 

But fear not, because my focus today is on one area of your home that can make a significant impact on transforming your chaos into calm - your closet. 

Believe it or not, your closet can really serve as the microcosm of your daily life -  and organizing it can be the first step towards a more organized and peaceful existence. 

Let's dive in and discover the unbelievable and transformative power of an organized closet.

The Daily Struggles of a Chaotic Closet

You're not imagining it - a cluttered, chaotic closet is making you feel more stressed. Let's break down some of the main reasons why that's the case (and no - you're definitely not imagining it).

The Morning Rush

We all know the feeling of being in a rush in the morning. You hit snooze a few too many times, and suddenly, you're running late for work or that important meeting. 

But when your closet is in disarray, that rush becomes even more chaotic. Jackets are thrown on the ground, shoes are scattered around, and your favorite shirt is buried under a pile of clothes you haven't worn in years.

The morning rush is just one of the daily struggles of a chaotic closet. You might have to try on multiple outfits before finding something that works, leading to delays and last-minute changes. This can be especially frustrating when you're already running late.

Decision Fatigue

But it's not just the physical inconvenience that a disorganized closet can cause. It can also lead to decision fatigue, that mental exhaustion from sifting through cluttered choices. When you're faced with too many options, it's easy to become overwhelmed and unsure of what to wear. This can be especially draining first thing in the morning, leaving you feeling drained before the day's even begun.

The Emotional Toll

And let's not forget about the emotional toll a messy closet can take. It might sound silly, but clutter can negatively impact mood and self-perception

When you're surrounded by chaos, it's hard to feel put together and confident. Plus, a cluttered space can make it hard to find items you need, leading to more frustration and stress.

The Ripple Effect: Beyond the Closet Doors

Here are a few more ways chaos in the closet can manifest itself (in a very negative way) outside of your wardrobe. 

Starting on the Wrong Foot

Have you ever had one of those mornings where you can't find your keys, your phone's dead, and you spill coffee on your shirt? It's safe to say that starting your day off on the wrong foot can set a negative tone for the entire day. 

And it all starts in the closet. 

When you can't find what you need, you waste precious time that could be better spent on other things - like getting some extra sleep or enjoying a leisurely breakfast. A friend recently shared with me that her Saturday morning was completely thrown off because her husband couldn’t find a clean pair of socks. He happens to be sensitive and particular about his socks and having the right pair was important. Within minutes, the whole family was up and running around the house trying to locate a clean pair of socks that he had just bought. What was intended to be a relaxing morning together, turned into everyone frantically searching to help out her husband. It can sound trivial, but these little moments of frustration add up and have a ripple effect on everyone around you.

Impact on Professional Life

The impact of a disorganized closet goes beyond just your morning routine. It can affect your professional life as well. Punctuality is key in the workplace - nobody wants to be known as the person who's always late. 

And if you're constantly rushing out the door because you can't find your favorite dress or pair of shoes, it's not a good look. It can make you seem disorganized and unreliable - two traits that don't exactly scream "promotable."

Social Implications

Then there are the social implications of a chaotic closet. Have you ever skipped a party or event because you didn't feel confident in your outfit? 

It's a common issue, but it's one that can be easily avoided if you have a closet that's organized and easy to navigate. When you feel good about what you're wearing, you're more likely to enjoy yourself and socialize with others.

Impact on Personal Commitments

Lastly and most importantly, having a cluttered closet can get in the way of commitments we’ve made to ourselves. 

For example, if you’ve set a goal to get to the gym three times a week, but surfing through a sea of clutter to find some leggings and a clean bra, feels like climbing Mt. Everest, you’ve just made an already challenging habit to build - so. much. harder. Chances are you’re more likely to convince yourself it’s not worth the effort and choose Netflix instead. 

Now imagine the opposite is true. You commit yourself to going to the gym three days a week. Upon returning home from work, you can easily pick out an entire outfit for the gym - pants, bra, shirt, headband, socks, and shoes - and get dressed and out the door in under 15 minutes - without even having to think about it. The flow you gain from having an organized space can ripple positively through so many other aspects of your life.

The Calming Power of Organization

So, what's the solution to a chaotic closet? It's simple: organization. Here's why.

A Place for Everything

When we organize our closet, everything has its place. We don't have to spend time searching for a specific item of clothing because we know exactly where it is. This, in turn, can help reduce stress levels and create a sense of order and predictability in our lives.

Streamlined Decision Making

But that's not all. A well-organized closet can also streamline our decision-making process. When we have a variety of options to choose from, it can be overwhelming and lead to decision fatigue.  Especially when the closet is a mix of clothes we love and wear and clothes that we don’t.

When our closet is curated with things that we love and those belongings are intentionally organized, we can quickly and easily see our options, reducing the time it takes to make a decision. President Obama once told Vanity Fair, “You’ll see I wear only gray or blue suits,” [Obama] said. “I’m trying to pare down decisions. I don’t want to make decisions about what I’m eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to make.”

This is GENIUS. Imagine getting dressed each day and barely having to exert energy figuring out what to wear. An intentionally organized closet can ensure you start your day burning energy on the most important things - not getting hung up on where your other shoe is.

Boosting Confidence

When we open our closet and see a neat space, we feel more in control and self-assured. It's also easier to pick out an outfit that makes us feel confident and comfortable when everything in said closet fits us and makes us feel good. This requires us to keep our closet curated - like a boutique - of our favorites. Change is inevitable. Our bodies, interests, and style are constantly evolving, so it’s important to ensure our wardrobe evolves with us vs. leaving us stuck in the past.

Tips for Achieving Closet Calm

Everyone has experienced the dreaded closet chaos where you can’t seem to find anything despite having a closet full of clothes. 

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to achieve closet calm and make your daily routine a lot less stressful. Here are some of my top suggestions.

Set an Intention for Your Space

Before you grab the trash bags and start going to town, I strongly recommend taking a minute to reflect on your space and set an intention (or multiple!). Getting organized takes a lot of effort and maintaining it is a journey. The journey feels worth the time and effort when you’re anchored in an intention that goes deeper than “I want an organized closet.” It invites you to explore the current state of your space, understand your habits, and paint a vision for your space and the role you want it to play in your life.

For a guided exercise on exploring your closet clutter and setting intentions for your space, check out my Decluttering Diary.

Curate Your Wardrobe

If you often find yourself staring at a closet full of clothes but feeling like you have nothing to wear - it’s time to curate your wardrobe. If you're constantly on the go, it can be challenging to find the time to declutter your closet - but not impossible.

Determine what areas of your closet need the most attention, and set aside designated times to tackle those areas. Are you hanging onto clothes from an older version of yourself? From jobs you don’t have anymore? Or 2-3 body sizes ago? You might have some quick wins in there that you could tack in as little as 10 minutes each evening.

If you're struggling to let go of certain items, check in with yourself and ask yourself a few questions… Does this clothing fit me? Do I wear it? Does it feel good on my body? Does it make me feel good?

If the answer is no, it might be time to bid it farewell. Our closet is an extension of who we are and how we choose to express ourselves. If we’re hanging onto clothes that aren’t comfortable on our bodies or make us feel bad about ourselves- then starting our day surfing through those piles is going to be unnecessarily painful. And trust me when I say, it doesn’t have to be so hard!

If you’re looking for more tips on how to declutter in as little as 5-minutes a day, be sure to check out my decluttering guide. And if you get stuck, refer back to your intention for your space! This is the north star for creating the closet of your dreams!

Organizational Tools

To create and maintain an organized closet, you've got to have the right tools on your side. The best hangers, bins, and so on will differ for every person, but I do have a few general recommendations.

First, let's talk about hangers. I recommend investing in sturdy, non-slip hangers. Velvet hangers are a great choice, since they have a non-slip surface that helps prevent clothes from slipping off. 

They're also slim and space-saving, so you can fit more clothes in your closet without it feeling overcrowded. If you can, try to stick to hangers that are the same size, style, and color - this can help reduce visual overwhelm and the appearance of a cluttered space when it's actually quite tidy.

Next up, bins and storage boxes. These are a great way to keep smaller items organized and contained. I recommend using clear plastic bins so you can easily see what's inside without having to dig through everything. You can use these for things like socks, underwear, or accessories like belts and scarves.

Another handy organizational tool I love is drawer organizers. Drawer organizers are a great way to create clear zones in your drawers and support you in maintaining order.

Finally, if you have a lot of bulky items like sweaters or jackets, consider using a shelf divider. I've found that this is helpful when it comes to keeping your items neatly stacked without toppling over. 

Routine Maintenance

Now that you've decluttered your closet, it's time to ensure it stays organized and serene in the long run. To achieve closet calm, here are some routine maintenance tips to remember:

  • Sort your clothes by season: Keep a separate space for clothes that are not in season. This will not only free up space but also make it easier to find clothes that you need at that exact moment (no more sorting through piles of bulky winter coats when you're just looking for a sundress!).

  • Do a quarterly declutter: Even after a thorough purge, it's easy for clutter to creep back into your closet. To avoid this, set a reminder to declutter your closet every three months. This will help you stay on top of the mess and ensure that your closet is always in top shape.

  • Store items properly: When storing clothes and accessories, avoid folding them in a way that may cause wrinkles or damage. Use storage boxes or baskets for loose items like belts, hats, and scarves, or try using drawer organizers to keep everything sorted.

By following these simple tips, you'll be able to enjoy a clutter-free and calming closet for years to come. 


Don't underestimate the transformative power of an organized closet. A neat closet can bring peace and calm to our daily lives, transforming our mood and productivity with ease. From saving time during hectic mornings to getting rid of clutter, an organized closet is one of the easiest ways to boost overall well-being. 

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the thought of decluttering, remember that taking the first step is often the hardest but most rewarding one.

And if you're looking for some extra motivation, I'd like to personally invite you to grab a copy of The Ultimate Closet Cleanse E-Book. This book is designed to help you declutter, organize, and revamp your closet so that you have a closet you’re proud of and can maintain. At the end of the program, you'll have a beautifully organized closet that reflects your style and personality.

Grab your copy HERE.


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